(From my column “Looking Forward and Glancing Back” in the SGT monthly newsletter, November, 1993)
I’m still amazed at how little faith I have at times. Even after all the miracles that God has done for Stained GlassTheatre, I continue to be awed by what God can do. I sometimes feel like the children of Israel who experienced the parting of the Red Sea and then doubted God’s ability to care for them in the desert.
About one year ago, as we were preparing THE OUTPOURING, everyone was excited about the show and anticipating what God might do. We all felt that God was going to move in some way. We were hooping and praying to have some wonderful prayer times with our audience each night after the performance—and that happened. But as usual, I was trying to put God in a box by expecting certain things while God was preparing to do what He wanted to do.
For weeks, Jeff White had been talking to a friend of his, John Horner, about the play. John had read the script and was also excited about the upcoming production. One day, as John and Jeff prayed, John prayed something that would become a prophetic word for SGT. John boldly prayed that TWENTY THOUSAND would see the show. Now keep in mind that the average attendance for one of SGT’s shows is around three thousand. So when John, a mighty man of God and a powerful prayer warrior, prayed for twenty thousand, Jeff didn’t take it lightly, but still, it was just too incredible to believe.
Jeff told me of John’s prayer, and I didn’t know what to say—how could it be? There was no way that it could happen—yet we couldn’t help but sense that something of significance had been prayed that day. We all thought that the show would be well attended and that we might have four thousand. But twenty thousand? Once again, we had forgotten the awesome power of God.
God answered John’s prayer—and is still answering it. As so many of you already know, the show was sold out for all the regular run almost immediately, and as fast as we opened up another weekend, it would sell out. The show was extended for nine weeks and ended with a total attendance right at seven thousand. Then, the show was taken on tour (which we do not normally do) during the summer with attendance at thirteen performances reaching almost eight thousand. In addition, over 200 videos have been sold, and if those have been seen by at least four or five people each, then that adds another thousand or so to the total. So to this point, we believe that around fifteen thousand people have seen THE OUTPOURING. But that’s not the end. Planning is underway to continue touring the show starting in the spring of next year. What once seemed impossible is now a virtual reality. WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE! Thank you, John Horner, for your prayer! Thank You, Father. Praise Your Holy Name, Jehovah!
FOLLOWUP NOTE: THE OUTPOURING toured again in the summer of 1994 and is currently being performed by SGT Catalyst Revival Ministries, having now been seen by well over 20,000 people! Praise Jesus!
God is faithful to help us even when we don’t know we need His help.
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