(From my column “Looking Forward and
Glancing Back” in the SGT monthly newsletter, June, 1987.)
We began
this season at Stained Glass Theatre with a new mandate from God and a bright
new hope about the future. You could feel the excitement in most everyone at
the theatre. True, we had just had the sobering learning experience in St.
Louis, but we were not defeated. No indeed, we were joyous that God had shown
us clearly what He wanted—He wanted “Excellence in Residence.” And we were
resolved that if that was what God wanted, that was what we wanted and that was
what we would be obedient in striving to achieve. It was a challenge, and we
were ready and anxious to begin our Season
of Style.
As we
approached the September 19th opening date of the new season, there
was a spirit—a feeling—in the air. It was going to be our “best year,” our
“turning-point year,” our “Harvest Time Year.”
expectation of a “Harvest Time Year” was not just a feeling—it was a prophecy
which had been spoken to me by a precious man and woman who had attended one of
our productions near the end of the previous season. I wish I could give you
their names; however, I only saw them that one time. God does work in
mysterious ways, and I believe that he sent that couple and touched their
hearts so they in turn could lift and build our faith with some special words
of encouragement. On that ordained night, they stayed a long while after the
show. It was a special time. We talked and prayed together. As we prayed, both
the woman and her husband spoke of God’s knowing of our struggles, and of
having brought us to our knees that we might trust Him completely. They spoke
of how we had found favor in His eyes; that He was going to bless the theatre
in a wonderful way; that the coming year would bring the crowds we longed for;
that the theatre would be full to overflowing; and that it was to be a year of
“Harvest Time.” Those words filled my heart with joy and my eyes with tears. I
knew God had spoken to us through this beautiful Spirit-filled couple.
We hid
those prophetic words away in our hearts, believing that God would be faithful.
We also shared these words with others on staff and company members. So, as we
began the fourth season, there was indeed expectancy and excitement for we knew
and believed it was “Harvest Time.” Our opening weekend was a disaster. (Only
twenty people came Friday night, we had to cancel Saturday night since only
seven people showed up, and Sunday afternoon we had only fifteen people.) What
had happened? Was the prophecy not to be? As before, I went to my knees for the
answer. “Why, Lord? Why? Isn’t this to be the year of the Harvest?” As I sought
the Lord and was quiet before Him, He began to speak to my spirit. I soon
understood what God wanted me to see as He revealed to my spirit the meaning of
“Harvest Time.” The meaning was simple and clear, and would have been obvious
to any farmer, but to a city boy like me, it had to be explained. God showed me
that “Harvest Time” is when you go out and gather in the harvest. It was not a
time, as I had so foolishly thought, where the harvest cuts itself and walks
into the barn. How blind I had been. The audience we had hoped for was not
going to come banging on our doors just begging to get into the theatre—of
course not! God was simply telling us that the time was right, but we must go
out and bring in the harvest. But how? How could we get the harvest into the
barn? We didn’t know, but God knew. How wonderful it is to know that our Lord,
if we seek Him, does not forsake us. He not only calls us to do that which He
desires, but He leads and guides us along the way. And so He did. He gave us a
plan for “harvesting.” The plan was simple—so simple. It was also frightening
for it would require a giant step of faith.
Discover the lesson that was learned
about God’s economy.