I've never really understood whether God chooses men who dream or if He gives dreams to the men He chooses. I do know that much of what has been done for the glory of God was born of dreams.” ---Ron Boutwell, 1978

Thursday, August 27, 2015


(From my column “Looking Forward and Glancing Back” in the SGT monthly newsletter, September, 1988.)

On August 29, Stained Glass Theatre hosted our annual “Appreciation Banquet.” What a grand evening it was! An air of excitement and anticipation seemed to flow from everyone present. Excitement for a time to pause and praise God for the many, many blessings of this past year, and to thank all the wonderful people who labored so many hours this past season, as well as those who supported us with their prayers, gifts, and attendance. Anticipation for the adventure of beginning a new season—our sixth, our Season of Victory!

The evening began with a great buffet—truly a delicious meal! As the feasting wound down and as some still nibbled at desserts or sipped tea or coffee, the lights dimmed and we were treated to a delightful trip down memory lane as we viewed “clips” from all the shows of the past season, skillfully and lovingly prepared by Jamie Wolfe from All Occasion Video. After the TV presentation, we were inspired and challenged by a wonderful speech from Charles Fuller, our honored guest. Thank you, Charles, for a job superbly done! You touched the hearts of many young and old “dreamers.” The evening concluded with the presentation of numerous gifts and tokens of appreciation—scholarships, certificates, SGT mugs, plaques, SGT key chains, and SGT “Lifetime” keys to the Theatre. Most everyone received something and that’s the way we intended it. We wanted to recognize all who had helped the SGT Ministry. Yes, it was a grand evening! Thank You, Father, for blessing us so richly with so many who love the work of SGT. Thank You, Lord, for all who sacrifice so much of their time, energy, and finances to serve you in this special way.

The banquet, a time of remembering, is over. It was a great time for “glancing back,” but now it’s time for “looking forward.” (Wasn’t that clever how I finally worked the title into an article?) The challenge of a new season lies ahead. There is much to be done. The wheels of the future are already set in motion—set work is being done, costumes are being made, rehearsals are in progress, and there is a general “gearing up” for the fall premiere of SOMEBODY PLEASE MAKE ME LAUGH. It’s going to be a tremendous production that will speak powerfully to teens and the problems they face. Plan now to bring a group.

Not only is the challenge of a new season upon us, but the challenge to complete the building fund effort as quickly as possible is also on our hearts. We need to move soon. The growth in the ministry God has given us will diminish soon without more space. Even now, people become frustrated and give up when they try several times and still can’t get tickets. Some are trying to get ahead of the game by booking tickets and dates for the entire season. Praise God for the enthusiastic response from our patrons, but we must soon provide more seating. God has shown us our “Promised Land.”

We must complete the task! We need your financial support and prayers! As of this writing, we only need $16,500 to have victory. The countdown is on! All is ready! We are anxious to occupy the land!

The response to our decision not to move until we had all the funds, thereby honoring our commitment not to go into debt, has been overwhelmingly in favor of the decision. Like us, all were disappointed that we couldn’t move in August, yet all were in agreement that we were doing the right thing. Your words of support and encouragement have been greatly appreciated. Thank you! Since we made the difficult decision not to move until all funds have been raised, we have had a complete peace that God would honor that decision. But we also know that we must now renew our efforts and move ahead quickly. God has held the door open for us to do that which He gave us to do, but we must not tarry! Time is important! The door may not always be open. Please help us if you can! We’re so close. An all-out effort by all who see the vision of the future of Stained Glass Theatre is needed. Together we can do it in the next few weeks and be in the new building in time for the second show of the season. Pray that God will touch many hearts to help us at this vital time. God has been so good to bring us this far. Thank You, Father. Praise Your Holy Name! Jehovah!

We signed the papers and handed over a cashier’s check for $60,000 at 4:00 p.m. on October 31, 1988. It was indeed a glorious and memorable moment!

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